Turbocharging a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine
Course: 2.76 Global Engineering [MIT]
Collaborators: Alvaro Mufarech, Kristina Schmidt, Brad Jokubaitis, Ben Claman, Gokce Solakoglu
Partnered with Mahindra & Mahindra, the biggest automotive and tractor manufacturer in India, the objective of the project was to identify and validate a method to achieve BS6 emission standard, for a single cylinder diesel engine that, at the time, met the BS4 emission requirements.
The use of exhaust aftertreatment systems such as Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) were identified as most essential in order to achieve the strict requirements of BS6 standards. However it was determined that cascading such systems along the exhaust channel would increase exhaust back pressure which would cause significant power loss in the engine. Turbocharging was determined to be the most effective way to overcome the power loss in the engine, from these exhaust aftertreatment systems.
For the experiment, back pressure from exhasut aftertreatment systems was simulated by choking the flow of exhaust with varying orifices. An air capacitor was used to store turbo boost to overcome the out-of-phase characteristics of the exhaust and intake stroke, in a single cylinder engine.