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2.77 Precision Product Design

Weekly Brainware, Hardware and Seek & Geek Uploads


Precision Product Design (2.77) is a course at MIT, taught by the distinguished Professor Alexander Slocum  . The course examines design, selection, and combination of machine elements to produce a robust precision machine or system. The learning objective of the class is to be able to conceive an overall machine system, and an analytical model to deterministically guide the design (e.g., error apportionment and error budget) to meet functional requirements of the product. This year, each student must design, build and test a computer-controlled desk that can raise/lower to be used when standing or sitting. (Search "Rising Desk") Each student works independently and their work is then reviewed, weekly, in peer groups of upto 4 students.


This page serves as a weekly documentation of my work for the class, and contains links to the weekly deliverables for each category:

  1. Brainware: Involves application of deterministic design principles to design a mechanism or advance the design of the desk. This section also has a "Seek & Geek" component, where I analyse interesting mechanisms in products tangible, in my daily life.

  2. Hardware: Involves fabrication and testing of designed mechanism and closing the design loop.

  3. PUPS: Weekly Problem Sets (there is usually some overlap between PUPS and other sections)


Peer Review Group:

  1. Shien Yang Lee

  2. Revanth Damerla

  3. Jon Spirnak



My desk won Honorable Mentions at the 2017 De-Florez Design Competition!


Weekly Brainware

White Paper, Planar Exact Constraint, PUPPS1, Seek & Geek

Design Update, Precision Linear Axis, Kinematic Coupling, Seek & Geek

Desk Strategies, Linear Motion Axis Updates, Seek & Geek

Desk Strategy Updates,  Seek & Geek

Desk Concept Update, Bearing Backlash Reduction, Seek & Geek

Desk Concept Update, Error Budget, Seek & Geek

Updated Error Budget, Detailed Designs, CAD, Seek & Geek

Updated Error Budget, Fixturing , Updated CAD, Seek & Geek

Final Design, Final Error Budget, Final CAD

Bearing Block Design Update

Weekly Hardware

Planar Exact Constraint

Kinematic Coupling, Stepper Moving

Precision Linear Axis

Precision Linear Axis with Actuator

Week 5:

Dynamic Sketch Models

Bearing Backlash Elimination in Precision Linear Axis 

MCM Build: Box Rail for Rising Desk

MCM Build Continued

Machining of Lead Screw, Linear Slider, Actuator Mounts/ Bearing block

Machining Remaining Structural Members and Bearing Blocks.

Final Assembly



Please refer to Brainware 1


Please refer to Brainware 1

Machine Design Specification

Kinematic Coupling Testing


Please refer to Brainware 5


Please refer to Brainware 6

Bearing, Rail, Actuator detailed design and life estimation

Part Drawings

Spring Break

Weekly Submissions
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